Midas provides tools designed to easily connect you and your products with the community you've built.

Bike e-commerce template
sphere jewel

built for hustlers

You have the community - We have the tools. From online sales to event management we have what you'll need to connect with the world.

Midas Employee Management Software
Midas Inventory Management Software
Midas Event Management Software
Midas Customer Management Software
Midas secure customer data
Midas Kiosk Software
Midas Analytics software
Point Of Sales Software
Midas Order Management Software
Midas Custom web builder
Manage your employees with Midas

Employee Management

Manage your inventory with Midas

Inventory Management

Manage events with Midas

Event Management

Manage customers with Midas CRM

Customer Management

Secure Information

Keep track of your data with Midas analytics

Precise Analytics

Midas Point of Sales

Point of Sales

Manage all your orders in one place with Midas

Order Management

Custom e-commerce online store builder.

Custom Web Builder

Easy credit card checkout for brick and mortar stores.

Easy Payment Access

Sell anywhere

We'll make sure you stay connected to the audience that matters most.

Midas Multi sales channel solutions

boost your online presence

Not only will Midas display your products on the top marketplaces, but we make it even easier to manage all your inventory all in the same place.

Multi Sales Channel Distribution

just add water

Creating products has never been easier so we’ve added a lil something extra that will help you take your digital fingerprint to the next level. 

Yellow highlight

Create & Manage Your Websites

With our customer custom web builder and online store creator, Midas provides ready to use templates that gets you up and running in no time. Ensuring you never miss out on a sale. 

Explore Web Templates

Yellow highlight

Connect & Market Your Business

With Midas custom event maker you can let your audience know where and where you’ll so they can join you. Taking your customer connection offline and bringing it into the real world.

Explore Events

Yellow highlight

Sell & Share
Your Products

You’ve built the expertise and community. So no matter if it’s brick and mortar, e-commerce, course, merch, you name it. Midas can help you bring it to your audience while your brand grows.

Explore Solutions

stand out with professionally designed templates

There’s no need to start from scratch when we’ve created the blueprint to give you a head start against the competition in any industry.

We'll make sure your hustle goes uninterrupted.

Reliable Uptime

Useable SEO

Secure Transaction

Midas was created to give you a real chance to create a real business with tools and features that are not only easy to use but also to understand.

with endless

Combine our state of the art components systems with our top of the class collections of templates for your online store, and your companies vision is sure to true as easy as possible. 

Midas Point of Sales preview

early bird program now open

Help make the Midas platform the best on the market. As a member of Midas beta software program, gain early access to all and future new features. All offered at a never changing
grandfathered low price.